Early in the morning of June 25, 1950, the armed forces of
Communist North Korea smashed across the 38th parallel of latitude in an
invasion of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) that achieved complete
surprise. Although attacks came all along the border, the major North Korean
thrust was in the west of the Korean peninsula, toward Seoul, the capital of
South Korea. South Korea's army, smaller and not as well trained and equipped
as that of North Korea, was unable to stem the onslaught. By June 28, Seoul
had fallen, and across the peninsula, everywhere south of the Han River, the
shattered remnants of South Korea's army were in full retreat.

The United Nations Reaction

Within hours after the invasion of South Korea began, the
United Nations Security Council called for an immediate cease-fire and the
withdrawal of North Korean forces from South Korea. North Korea ignored the
resolution. Two days later the Security Council urged United Nations members
to assist South Korea in repelling its invaders. Both resolutions passed
because the Soviet Union was boycotting Security Council meetings. Had the
Soviet delegate been present, he surely would have vetoed the measures. In
response, 16 nations sent troops to the aid of South Korea. The United States
sent an army; Great Britain, a division; and other nations, lesser units. The
heaviest burden of the war, however, was borne by South Korea itself. Its army
reached a peak strength of some 400,000 men, maintained that strength only by
a steady flow of hastily trained replacements, and sustained an estimated
850,000 combat casualties. The United States Army in Korea ultimately numbered
some 300,000 men, supported by about 50,000 Marine, Air Force, and Navy

The United States Reaction

The United States reacted even more quickly than did the
United Nations. Upon hearing of the North Korean attack, President Harry S.
Truman directed General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, commander of the United
States occupation forces in Japan, to insure the safe evacuation of United
States civilians and to supply weapons and ammunition to South Korea. On June
26, United States air and naval forces were directed to support South Korean
ground units. The commitment of United States ground forces was authorized
after General MacArthur inspected the battlefront. The ground forces available
to General MacArthur in Japan were four understrength Army divisions composed
largely of inexperienced, undertrained men and lacking in heavy weapons. Early
in July the United Nations asked the United States to appoint a commander for
all United Nations forces in Korea. President Truman named General MacArthur.
Soon thereafter, South Korea placed its forces under the United Nations
command. After the fall of Seoul, North Korea's forces paused briefly to
regroup, then resumed their southward drive. South Korea's army resisted
bravely but was pushed back steadily. Three United States divisions sent to
its aid were committed in small units. They too were driven into retreat. By
late July the remnants of South Korea's army and the United States units had
been pressed into a small, roughly rectangular area surrounding the port of
Pusan at the southeastern tip of Korea. Here, defending a perimeter roughly
150 miles long, the United Nations forces finally were able to hold as
reinforcements poured in.

The Origins of a War

The roots of the Korean War are deeply embedded in history.
While few regions are less suited to warfare than is the mountainous,
river-slashed Korean peninsula, few have known more conflict. For centuries,
Korea's three powerful neighbors China, Japan, and the Soviet Union vied for
its control. By 1910, Japan had established a supremacy that it was to
maintain until its defeat in World War II. Seven days before the Japanese
surrender that ended World War II, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.
Soviet troops entered Korea. By agreement, the Soviet Union accepted the
surrender of all Japanese forces in Korea north of the 38th parallel of
latitude, while the United States accepted the surrender of Japanese units
south of the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union quickly sealed off the
38th-parallel border. It soon set up an interim civil government for the 9
million Koreans of the north, which contained most of Korea's industry. The
government was run by Soviet-trained Communist officials. The United States
maintained a military government in the south. The 21 million Koreans of the
largely agricultural region were not satisfied with it. A United States-Soviet
commission that was established to make plans for the reunification of Korea
under a free government made no progress. In 1947 the United States took the
problem before the United Nations, which voted that free elections under its
supervision should be held throughout Korea in 1948 to choose a single
government. The Soviet Union refused to permit the United Nations election
commission to enter the north. Elections were thus held only in the south,
where a National Assembly and a president Syngman Rhee were chosen. The new
democracy was named the Republic of Korea. In the north, the Soviet Union
proclaimed a Communist dictatorship called the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (North Korea). Pyongyang was named its capital. Late in 1948, Soviet
forces began to withdraw from North Korea, leaving behind an entrenched
Communist regime and a well-trained, well-equipped North Korean army. United
States occupation forces left South Korea in 1949. They left behind a
government still "feeling its way" and an army ill-trained compared
with that of the north. This army also lacked air power, tanks, and artillery.
South Korea, however, successfully resisted North Korean attempts at
subversion, Communist-supported guerrilla activities, and border raids by
North Korean forces. Frustrated, North Korea early in 1950 decided upon war to
achieve its goal of Korean unification under Communist rule. In June 1950
North Korea's army totaled 135,000 men. North Korea's infantry was also
supported by approximately 150 Soviet-made medium tanks, ample artillery, and
a small air force. South Korea's ground forces included a 45,000-member
national police force and an army of 98,000. South Korea was armed largely
with light infantry weapons supplied by the United States. It had no tanks or
combat aircraft, and its artillery was inferior to that of North Korea. Its
officers and enlisted men had generally less training and experience than did
those of North Korea.

Masterstroke Reverses Course of War

While North Korea continued to hurl furious but ineffective
attacks at the Pusan perimeter, General MacArthur readied the counterstroke
that was to reverse the course of the war an amphibious assault in his enemy's
rear at the port city of Inchon, southwest of Seoul. On September 15 a Marine
division swarmed ashore after preparatory bombardment by aircraft and naval
guns. An Army division followed. Simultaneously, the Eighth Army by now a
well-equipped and cohesive force broke out of the Pusan perimeter. Although
bloody fighting ensued, Seoul was recaptured within a few days. Thereafter the
North Korean army its supply line severed and its principal withdrawal route
blocked by the capture of Seoul rapidly collapsed. By October 1 its remnants,
utterly destroyed as a fighting force, had retreated above the 38th parallel.
North Korea had also met disaster in the air. Late in June, United States jet
fighters had streaked westward from Japan after a North Korean fighter fired
on an American transport. Within two weeks the North Korean air force had
ceased to exist, and the United Nations had established an air superiority
that it generally was to maintain throughout the war. Even when, later in the
war, the Communist forces were supplied with Soviet-built jet fighters equal
or superior to the United States aircraft flown by the United Nations, their
Chinese and sometimes Soviet pilots proved no match for those of the United
Nations. In the course of the war, 14 Communist aircraft were shot down for
every United Nations plane lost in aerial combat. At sea, under the guns of
United States and British warships, North Korea's minuscule navy a few patrol
boats suffered a fate similar to that of its air force.

North to Disaster

In the United Nations, Communist delegates indicated that
North Korea would now be willing to accept restoration of the 38th parallel as
the border between the two Koreas. The United States and South Korea, however,
decided to forcibly reunite North and South Korea under the government of
South Korea. They disbelieved the threat of Communist China that it would
intervene if United Nations forces entered North Korea. United Nations Forces
began in early October 1950 to press northward. They met only light resistance
and by late November had captured virtually all of North Korea. At two points,
units reached the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China.
Shortly after the United Nations advance into North Korea began, however,
Communist China had secretly begun to infiltrate troops into North Korea.
United Nations air patrols detected no sign of them. United Nations forces had
advanced northward in two columns, the Eighth Army in the west and the X Corps
in the east, separated by up to 50 miles by the central mountain chain of
North Korea. Units of both columns were also dispersed and open to attack.
Contacts with Communist Chinese units some in strength began in late October
and continued into early November. Chinese aircraft Soviet-built MiG-15 jet
fighters first appeared early in November. However, the United Nations command
underestimated the strength of the Chinese forces and misread China's
intentions. The command planned a final offensive that would bring all of
North Korea under United Nations control, confident that United Nations air
power could prevent the Chinese from crossing the Yalu River in sufficient
strength to stop the offensive. By this time, however, Chinese Communist
troops in North Korea numbered 300,000. Late in November, across the snow that
heralded a harsh North Korean winter, the Chinese struck. Attacking largely at
night, the Chinese though they suffered tremendous casualties rapidly
dislodged the Eighth Army and X Corps. In the east, X Corps units were
withdrawn by sea from the ports of Hungnam and Wonsan. Surrounded far inland,
the lst Marine Division reached Hungnam in one of the great fighting retreats
of history. In the west, by land and sea, the Eighth Army also fell back. By
the end of December the United Nations forces had been pushed back to a line
just south of the 38th parallel. In the face of a renewed Chinese offensive,
they withdrew from Seoul and the Han River line early in January 1951. In the
more open terrain of South Korea, the United Nations forces were able to form
a fairly continuous line of resistance. They continued to withdraw slowly,
exacting a terrible toll of the advancing Chinese, until in mid-January the
front stabilized along an undulating line running from the 37th parallel in
the west to a point midway between the 37th and 38th parallels in the east.

Reunification Abandoned

The entry of China into the war had a heavy impact upon the
United States. Draft calls were increased, and more reservists were called to
active duty. President Truman declared a state of national emergency, and
economic controls were imposed. Fearing that the wider war with China that
would be necessary to reunify Korea would cost too many American lives and
raise the risk of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, the United States
abandoned the idea of forcibly reuniting the two Koreas. Instead, it decided
to accept a rough restoration of the situation that had existed before the
war. Although the United Nations declared Communist China an aggressor, it
agreed with the new United States policy. United Nations forces would repel
China from South Korea but would not seek to retake the north. By late January
1951 the Eighth Army reformed and strengthened and incorporating the X Corps
was ready to advance against the now-weakened Chinese and North Korean armies.
Thrusts of infantry and armor were supported by the vastly superior United
Nations artillery and air power. Where the Communist forces chose to stand,
they were slaughtered. In one action alone, 6,000 Chinese men were killed,
25,000 wounded. Seoul was reoccupied by the United Nations in mid-March. By
March 31 the battle line stood roughly along the 38th parallel. Enraged at
China's intervention, General MacArthur had dissented vigorously from the new
United Nations policy. He wished to press an expanded war against Communist
China, including forbidden attacks upon "sanctuaries" above the Yalu
River. He made his views public. Believing the general's actions to be both
insubordinate and dangerous, President Truman relieved him of his commands in
April (see MacArthur; Truman). General MacArthur was replaced by Lieut. Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway, who had commanded the Eighth Army in the field since the
death of Lieut. Gen. Walton H. Walker in a jeep accident in December 1950.
Command of the Eighth Army was passed to Lieut. Gen. James A. Van Fleet.

Truce Talks Begin

Above the 38th parallel, the Chinese and North Korean
forces once again regrouped. In April and in May, their commanders hurled them
against the United Nations lines. In response, General Van Fleet's forces
slowly withdrew, scourging their attackers with superior firepower. When their
adversaries were exhausted by massive casualties and supply shortages, the
United Nations forces counterattacked. By mid-June, save for a small sector
north of Seoul in the west, the United Nations line stood well above the 38th
parallel. Late in June, the Soviet Union indicated that the Communists might
be prepared to seek a truce. On June 30, General Ridgway offered to open truce
negotiations. North Korea and China accepted. Truce talks opened on July 10 at
Kaesong, some 35 miles northwest of Seoul. It quickly became apparent that the
opposing sides had different goals at the truce table. The United Nations
sought only an honorable end to the war. North Korea and China, however,
undertook to win in conference what they had been unable to attain on the
battlefield. The Communists made every effort to embarrass and humiliate
United Nations delegates, to force concessions through intransigence and
delay, and to use the conference as a propaganda forum. Although it was agreed
that hostilities were to continue during the truce talks, no more major
offensives were conducted during the war. A lull in the fighting developed as
the talks opened; both sides used it to strengthen their forces. The Communist
buildup was hampered though not halted by United Nations naval and air forces.
Late in August, the Communists broke off the truce talks. General Van Fleet
promptly launched a limited offensive to straighten and improve the United
Nations lines. By mid-October, defeated again, the Communists offered to
reopen the truce talks. The meeting site was moved to Panmunjom, some five
miles east of Kaesong. Here the armistice talks were to drag on, with
intermittent recesses, for another year and a half, stalling repeatedly over
such issues as the establishment of a truce line and the repatriation of
prisoners. Along the front, meanwhile, the fighting settled into a modernized
version of the grinding trench warfare of World War I.

A Long and Uneasy Truce

In order to maintain the military pressure that seemed
essential to serious negotiations, the United Nations insisted that the truce
line be the line of contact between the opposing armies at the time the truce
was signed. Finally, a line was agreed upon. Finally, too, the Communists
agreed that prisoners who did not wish to return to their homelands did not
have to. At first, they had insisted that the United Nations return, by force
if necessary, all the Communist prisoners it held. Nearly half of all the
prisoners held by the United Nations and three quarters of the Chinese did not
wish to return to Communist rule. The truce agreement was finally signed July
27, 1953, and that day, at 10:00 P.M., Korean time, the guns fell silent along
the blood-soaked main line of resistance. The conclusion of the cease-fire had
probably been hastened by events outside of Korea. First, General of the Army
Dwight D. Eisenhower, who succeeded Truman as president of the United States
in January 1953, had hinted broadly that military pressure might be sharply
increased if the fighting did not end soon. Second, the death in March 1953 of
Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin caused a general turning inward of the Communist
world. After the cease-fire, the opposing forces each withdrew two kilometers
from the truce line. The armistice agreement had provided for a conference to
seek a permanent peace, but in the face of Communist intransigence it was
delayed for many years. Today, United States troops remain in South Korea, and
heavily armed North Korean and South Korean forces still face each other
across a narrow demilitarized zone. Truce violations are common. In the 1980s,
there was no lessening of tensions, but also no serious move toward armed
confrontation. North Korean President Kim Il Sung offered a unification plan
that was rejected by South Korea. Kim also berated the United States for a
plan to install medium range nuclear missiles in the South. But he renewed his
call for a peace treaty with the Americans, probably desiring to decrease his
dependence on the Soviet Union and China. (See also Kim Il Sung.)
Excerpted from Compton's New Century
Encyclopedia and Reference Collection II Copyright (c) 1995 Compton's
NewMedia, Inc.

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