
Let's learn about our Presidents! All of our Presidents
can be found
here from George Washington thru George W. Bush. We hope you enjoy reading
through the information we have collected and provided here for you.

All images of Presidents are
courtesy of
Information taken from Software titled
"American Heritage
The History of the United States for
Young People". The copyright
belongs to: Forbes Inc.
and Byron Preiss Multimedia Company. Thank
Washington, Adams, Jefferson
Madison, Monroe, Adams
Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison
Tyler, Polk, Taylor
Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan
Lincoln, Johnson, Grant
Hayes, Garfield, Arthur
Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland
McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Taft
Wilson, Harding, Coolidge
Hoover, F. Roosevelt, Truman
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson
Nixon, Ford, Carter
Reagan, Bush, Clinton
Bush, ????, ????

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pages are copyright © 1997 - 2008 Pages 4 Ever
(except where noted). Do not take, copy, steal, plagiarize or use in any
way, shape or format without the express written permission of Pages
4 Ever.
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friends, my own imagination, and/or
graphic CD collections that I have purchased. If you find anything on this site
that you have copyright to, and can prove it, please let me know and I will
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If you should find any broken links, please drop us a line and let us know the
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