The jokes in this section are rated "C" for Colorful.
Jokes in this section may contain vulgar or foul language, sexual content, adult content, racial,
prejudicial or violent material.
You MUST have a password to continue through this section.
Please email us for the password per the instructions below!
When emailing, please do NOT ALTER the subject line. In the body of the email, please state your first name, last
initial, and email address. Please also certify that you are over the age of 18, and give your year of birth. If any of
the requested information is omitted, access will NOT be given.
Email us for access to Colorful Jokes
"E" Rated Jokes
"A" Rated Jokes
"C" Rated Jokes
(E) Everyone -- Appropriate for folks of all ages.
(T) Older Teens -- Appropriate for folks aged 13 and older.
* (A) Adult -- Appropriate only for folks 18 and older.
**Adult Access
* (C) Colorful -- Appropriate only for folks 18 and older; however, these are jokes that some may find offensive.
**Colorful Access
* Our "A" and "C" rated jokes are password protected areas. We will only give access to those who request, and only to
those who certify that they are aged 18 and over. As we really have no way to know for sure, we do advise that parents
supervise their children online. While we have password protected these pages, we cannot always be sure that those who enter
these areas are truly over the age of 18. Responsiblity for minors on the internet is being left in the hands of their parents
and/or guardians. We will not be held liable for anyone under age accessing this material. Please, we do ask that if you are
under 18, do not email asking for access. If you are easily offended, please do not view the jokes in our "C" rated section.
Jokes in the "A" and "C" rated sections may contain vulgar language, sexual, adult, racial, prejudicial or violent material.
Jokes in the "E" rated category may contain innuendos that some parents may object to.
** When emailing, please do NOT ALTER the subject line. In the body of the email, please state your first name, last
initial, and email address. Please also certify that you are over the age of 18, and give your year of birth. If any of
the requested information is omitted, access will NOT be given.
Passwords will be changed on a regular basis. So, if you received access once and return, you will have to re-request
a password to enter again.
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4 Ever.
Some backgrounds and graphics made from clipart acquired from ArtToday, Boxed Art,
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