Aloe Vera
This succulent plant, native to Southern Africa, was used as a soothing ointment and lotion for burns.
A common compound derived from a certain type of wood, used to treat colds.
The dried and often powdered fruit of a certain tropical plant, capsicum was commonly used to treat dysentery.
Epsom Salts
A compound of magnesium and sulfur, Epsom salts was used to treat sprained joints.
Tinctures of iodine were commonly used to prevent wounds from becoming infected.
Ipecac is a substance derived from the roots of a South American shrub, used to cause vomitting. Ipecac is a potentially very dangerous medicine because it is poisonous.
Lecithin is a complex, fatty liquid substance generally derived from vegetable oils or egg yolks. Lecithin has long been used in medicines as an emulsifier and was used for treatment of colds and flu ( called the grippe in the 1800's ).
Quinine is a compound derived from the bark of the South American cinchona tree. South American Indians had long used it as a medicine for treating and preventing attacks of the disease known as "malaria".
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol, formerly called isopropyl alcohol, helps prevent infections in cuts, scrapes and other wounds. It also has a soothing, cooling effect on the skin and is frequently used for massaging sore muscles.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a solution of alcohol and an extract of the bark of the witch hazel plant, native to North America. It was commonly used in the mid- 1800's to treat wounds and stop bleeding.